Stop Sell & ISDN Switch off
What is the Stop Sell and how can you prepare your business to avoid communication challenges such as the ISDN switch off?
What is the Stop Sell?
The ISDN network is in its first period of the phasing out stage – so we have formulated a strategy to assist businesses in making the move from their ISDN and single phone line services to an alternative solution.
Openreach has been discussing the change from copper to ‘next-generation’ networks for the past few years, and only recently we have seen the first step in this process.
Stop sell is the first stage in upgrading an area, this means that no further ISDN or single line connection orders will be accepted and businesses will have to make the change to an alternative telecoms system such as VoIP which use SIP channels or cloud-based telephony.

Want to know when the Stop Sell is happening in your area?
Become ahead of the curve and avoid future challenges by contacting us and registering your interest with the Stop Sell.
Who will the Stop Sell affect?
The year 2021 will see an additional 160 exchanges to face the ‘Stop Sell’. Openreach wishes to achieve a complete switch-off of the ISDN network and users to switch to an IP telephony solution by the year 2025.
Businesses still using ISDN, whether you are ready to upgrade to hosted telephony or not, the big switch off for ISDN and single line services are here. So preparing your business for this change is essential as it will reduce or even avoid any telecommunication challenges you may face in the next few years. The aim is the be ahead of the curve by switching to an alternative solution before the big switch off.
How to avoid the Stop Sell
If your business has not already made the move to a high-quality SIP or a cloud-based telephone system, then you will also be faced with managing a cultural change as users adapt to unfamiliar technology.
VoIP, SIP and cloud-based telephony solution will replace your current telephone system and run just as well.
However, enabling this new system will benefit your business in many ways – by including many single line services you often find yourself saving money with reduced call costs and line rentals.