
SCG Wales enables non-profit organizations of any size to successfully migrate to a modern workplace 11th January 2023

Ers 2007 mae SCG Cymru wedi darparu datrysiadau telathrebu a rhyngrwyd arbenigol i gwsmeriaid ar draws De a Gogledd Cymru. Since 2007 SCG Wales have provided expert telecom and internet solutions to customers across both South and North Wales.   Mwy na darparwr Telecom yn unig | More than just a Telecom provider   Mae […]

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Here are 5 ways that your school can benefit from investing in a new telephone system. 25th March 2022

In a world of tight budgets and increased demand for schooling in the UK, telecoms may seem like an afterthought; but upgrading this vital asset may save your school money in the long run. How may you ask…? We’re here to help you find out! Why should I upgrade my school’s telephone system? It’s a […]

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Giving the gift of communications for Christmas 16th December 2021

Christmas is without a doubt one of the busiest times of the year, for individuals and especially businesses. Many industries will find themselves swept off their feet for the month of December with customers and callers trying to purchase from them. There are ways in which businesses can boost and tailor their communications to assist […]

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Never miss a call with remote working features

Never miss a call with remote working features 2nd December 2021

It’s easy to say that the year 2021 was the biggest year for remote and home working. With more and more people having the option to work from home, within the office or on the road – remote working is now a common term within most business environments. Offering staff the option to work remotely […]

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Business VoIP Provider in Cardiff

Business VoIP Provider in Cardiff 23rd November 2021

Voice over Internet Protocol, also know as VoIP is a cost-effective alternative solution which not just saves businesses money but expands every area of the communication set-up. Businesses have been adopting this next generation telephony solution for many years, and before you know it, it will become the primary mode of technology for business communication […]

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Add VoIP to your sales team

Add VoIP to your sales team 2nd November 2021

You most likely have a strong workforce with a reliable sales team who ensure communication is kept to a high standard and customers are satisfied. The thought of expanding on your sales team should always excite you and the workforce. But what if we would to recommend adding something other than a new salesperson to […]

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The easy transfer from ISDN to VoIP

The easy transfer from ISDN to VoIP 21st October 2021

As many are aware the ISDN Stop Sell, also known as the ISDN Switch Off has begun its phasing out process, across the UK. By the year 2027 the entire ISDN network will be obsolete, and users will be unable to use the technology. Therefore, we encourage existing users of the ISDN network to seek […]

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How to minimalise lost calls

How to minimise lost calls 7th October 2021

No-one likes missing a call, losing an opportunity, or disappointing a customer of client. Calls are important and losing calls can lead to customer frustration and missed sales. This article will help overcome these challenges and help reduce or even stop lost calls. Call queuing Call queuing is a system which does exactly what it […]

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Added extras to your communications set-up

Added extras to your communications set-up 20th September 2021

When you upgrade to VoIP you are upgrading your entire communications. The upgrade comes with many benefits that don’t just end at a new system installed into your business. Once you upgrade to a VoIP system your business will begin to evolve its communications with many other advantages. From feature sets to applications, we can […]

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Communication to get your dental practice smiling

Communication to get your dental practice smiling 13th September 2021

A good dental practice ensures its patients are left feeling happy and hygienic – with high standard in oral care. Your patients should feel comfortable and respected when visiting your practice. We understand that customer care and satisfaction are of upmost importance and that is why we dedicate ourselves to ensuring our customers are equipped […]

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