As a WCVA Trusted Provider, SCG Wales enables non-profit organisations of any size to successfully migrate to a modern communication solution
Ers 2007, mae SCG Cymru wedi darparu datrysiadau telathrebu a rhyngrwyd arbenigol i gwsmeriaid ar draws De a Gogledd Cymru.
Since 2007, SCG Wales have provided expert telecom and internet solutions to customers across both South and North Wales.

Need help choosing? Contact our customer experience team.
Mwy na darparwr Telecom yn unig | More than just a Telecom provider
Mae technoleg yn newid yn gyflym – ac mae hynny’n gadael rhai sefydliadau ar ei hôl. Rydym yn gweld ein hunain fel ymgynghorwyr, gan gadw ein cwsmeriaid ar flaen y gad o ran technoleg ac arbed arian iddynt yn y cyfnod heriol hwn.Mae hyn yn cael effaith gadarnhaol wirioneddol ar fusnesau pobl, a dyna sy’n gyrru ni. Rydym yn angerddol am sicrhau arbedion gwirioneddol, cynnyrch gwirioneddol arloesol a lefelau gwasanaeth gorau yn y rhanbarth.
Technology is evolving at an ever-increasing rate, and that’s leaving some organisations behind. More than just a telecoms provider, we see ourselves as consultants, keeping our customers at the forefront of technology and saving them money in these challenging times.
This has a real positive impact on people’s businesses, and that’s what drives us.
We’re passionate about delivering real savings, innovative products and best-in-region service levels.

Contact us to find out more
Cynhyrchion a lefelau gwasanaeth sy’n herio’r status-quo | Products and service levels that challenge the status-quo.
Trwy ymchwil, profi a herio cynnyrch, rydym yn darparu ein cwsmeriaid gyda’r gwasanaethau diweddaraf a gorau sydd ar gael yn y farchnad. Rydym yn gyflawni hyn i gyd gan gynnig gwasanaeth cwsmeriaid a chymorth technegol sy’n anelu at fod y gorau yn y diwydiant. Mae gan SCG Cymru fwy o beirianwyr fesul cwsmer na’n cystadleuwyr lleol a chenedlaethol. Rydym yn cynnig amseroedd ymateb cyflymach a rhai o’r cynhyrchion mwyaf blaengar yn y farchnad. Mae hyn i gyd wedi’i anelu at wneud bywyd yn haws i’n cwsmeriaid, fel y gallant wneud y gorau o’u hamser busnes a pheidio â phoeni am eu telathrebu. SCG Cymru yw eich stop sengl ar gyfer arbed costau telathrebu gyda lefelau eithriadol o gefnogaeth.
Through product research and development, we provide our clients with the latest and best services available on the market. All this is supported by an industry-leading customer service and technical support team.
SCG Wales have more engineers per customer than our local and national competitors. We offer faster response times and some of the most cutting-edge products on the market. All this is geared towards making life easier for our customers, so they can concentrate on their business and not worry about their telecoms.
SCG Wales is your single stop for cost-saving telecommunications with exceptional levels of support.

Switch to SCG Wales in 3 easy steps

1. Review
We’ll review your current call charges, line rental fees, and any additional services that you require.

2. Quote
We will look for ways you can save money, prepare a personalised quote, and suggest how to increase efficiency, improve reliability and integrate new technologies.

3. Connect
Our in-house provisioning team will arrange the line service and transfer. We’ll notify your current provider and ensure your lines stay open to customers.