UC Today explore Ericsson-LG products with Pragma

Posted on 6th July 2018 under News.

Pragma is the sole distributor for Ericsson-LG products. UC Today have interviewed Ed Savory and Helen Ranaghan from Pragma to discuss the range of products and their unique approach to partnerships.

DataKom is a Platinum Partner with Ericsson- LG and provides organisations of all sizes with innovative business solutions and new technologies.

Pragma discusses the iPECS platform, the marketplace, which businesses can benefit from the product range and future plans.

UC Today article

Tell Us about the iPECS Platform

The flagship solution that Pragma offers to channel partners today, is their range of “iPECS” platforms. As Ed told me, iPECS is basically a banner covering every product that’s produced by Ericsson-LG. As a brand beneath the Ericsson-LG banner, iPECS covers:

  • The iPECS Cloud – an evolution of on-premises IP-PBX delivering a full range of PBX functionality and features, together with the benefits of cloud technology
  • The iPECS UCP – The Unified Communications platform offered by Ericsson-LG, designed for everyone from SMBs to Enterprise
  • The iPECS eMG80 – Reliable telephony services that support traditional-style customers with standard needs, with the option to upgrade to UCP features
  • The iPECS CM – The enterprise platform for unified communications designed to boost productivity and decrease costs. One major client using this platform is Next Retail

The iPECS UCS – Savory noted that another solution under the iPECS banner is the “Unified Communications Solution” for small businesses who want to get next-level UC without having to invest in enterprise equipment

Read the full article here