Guest WiFi as a powerful marketing tool

Posted on 15th December 2017 under Blog.


Have you considered using WiFi as a tool to attract new customers?

In universities, restaurants, hotels, shopping centres, airports, healthcare institutions, any large public facility, accessing WiFi is often expected. Our need to be online is acknowledged across the board.

Regardless of whether you have your own large marketing department, or simply doing it yourself, guest WiFi is an easy and sophisticated way to promote your business and make the most of your customers’ data.

This way you can build both your email marketing list and social media presence, all while providing safe and secure WiFi to the customer. It enables marketing teams to gather insights about a visitor’s buying behaviour, which then helps with any marketing activities the team may plan.

Invest in the right WiFi solution and you’ll gain access to powerful business analytical tools, while offering a connection for your visitors to access the internet.

How to use guest WiFi as a marketing tool

There are three stages to consider after guest WiFi has been set up:

1. Initial Engagement

In today’s digital age, a WiFi connection is one of the first things we look for when visiting a business’s premises, especially when travelling abroad. In fact, 78% of the public actively look for a public place where they can get connected.

A customer stepping into your business is similar to when they visit your website. It’s important to try and catch your customer’s attention, and on-site WiFi can easily achieve that. The experience of getting online can be personalised to your business, by creating a unique login page – a valuable way to connect with the customer directly.

If you enable customers to login via social media check-in, you can collect even more demographic data, which can later feed into your strategy. This has the added bonus of giving your business free publicity, as the system automatically shows all their friends where they are – so they can join them – or check you out later.

2. Engagement Analytics

Tracking user engagement helps gather insights, such as guest demographics, dwell time, zone analytics, and traffic flow. With the login data, you can get customer return rates, peak visitor times, male/female split, average visit duration and more!

Through developing a WiFi sign-in page, you will capture the information and analytics needed to target the right customers. During this stage, the minimum amount of information you should acquire is an email address, which you can use to keep in touch and send promotions to your customers.

3. Targeted Marketing

When a customer connects to your WiFi, you can send real-time promotions, something certain systems offer. For example, a tech store could set up a push promotion for laptop cases when a customer is walking through the laptop section.

You are able to use the customer’s information after they’ve left your business’s premises. In the future, they can be targeted with promotions, events, relevant content – all based on their profile.

Hospitality WiFi solutions

While guest WiFi can be an asset to any business, it’s particularly beneficial for hotels and restaurants. 72% of restaurants already use guest WiFi access points on their premises.

These types of businesses are also adopting the trend to boost customer loyalty, improve customers’ digital journeys, and use customised advertising.

The benefits include:

Increasing customer satisfaction

If a customer is out shopping, or in an area which doesn’t provide WiFi, they will be pleased to be offered it in your restaurant. Customers are then usually willing to go through a login process where they will provide demographic and personal data.

Building customer insights and a unique database
The personal information gained through a customer accessing WiFi can help define your future business strategies and marketing campaigns.

Restaurant WiFi can feed into creating personalised offers based on guest behaviour and personal data. Customers can be reached throughout the entire buying process with relevant promotions and offers to match their past purchases and buying behaviour.

After visiting your hotel or restaurant, you could offer them a discount, special meal or room offer if they return – encouraging repeat business.

Increasing your followers and ‘likes’ on social media

Through offering WiFi and asking users to log in using their social media account, engagement will significantly increase as customers proceed to ‘like’ and ‘follow’ your business.

How can DataKom help?

At DataKom we have our own guest WiFi solution, a compliant WiFi connection for just you and your customers.

But what exactly is ‘Compliant WiFi’? Most business owners are not aware that they can be held liable for anyone using their guest network to access any illegal content online. DataKom:GuestWiFi is fully compliant with all applicable UK legislation, so you don’t have to worry about keeping track of everybody using your facilities. You can be rest assured knowing that there will be no fines or legal action, and that you – as a brand – are safe.

Build a deeper understanding of your customers, maximise engagement, and create data-driven marketing campaigns to promote your business.

Get in touch with our team to find out more about our guest WiFi service.