What is HD Voice and how does it deliver better call quality?

Posted on 8th December 2017 under Blog.

You may recognise the term ‘HD’ (high definition) from seeing it on your TV, but it’s also used to describe other improved technologies. HD Voice offers crystal clear voice calls compared to traditional call audio. It provides high-quality conversations and effectively eliminates background noise – with the correct equipment and setup in place.

A report found that 79% of consumers have experienced poor voice quality with call centres, costing organisations billions globally and damaging the customer experience.

HD Voice provides businesses with high-quality audio and a competitive edge in terms of communication. It’s a feature which is now offered by all major mobile carriers, most VoIP providers and a few hosted PBX partners, including our own platform, KloudPBX.

What is HD Voice and how does it work?

HD Voice was initially created for conference calls, to simplify differentiating voices and accents, as well as eliminating unwanted background noise. Skype users will have already experienced HD Voice.

The technology is wideband (can use a wider band of frequencies or wavelengths), expanding from the range of 50 Hz to 7kHz and up. This wider frequency allows extra sound waves to travel through the channel – eliminating excess noise and making calls clearer. In comparison traditional, narrowband, voice calls are limited to the frequency range of 300Hz to 3.4kHz.

HD Voice can be readily integrated with VoIP phone systems and mobile phones which feature a compatible technology and dependant network provider.

How could HD Voice benefit my business?

HD audio delivers enhanced sound quality for your phone system, which translates into five clear business benefits:

Clearer overall sound quality
Superior audio produces clearer conversations with potential clients and customers. Issues with VoIP systems such as noise, echo and delay are eliminated with higher quality audio.

Reduced fatigue
It can become tiresome during a poor-quality call to understand what a caller is saying. HD Voice allows you to hear the caller clearly.

Clearer and more efficient conference calls
This is one of the most beneficial outcomes of HD Voice – conference calls can be confusing with many people trying to speak at once.

Better call recording and more accurate phone transcriptions
The ability to analyse and listen to calls is a huge benefit of call recording. It’s counterproductive to record calls with poor audio quality – as you won’t be able to accurately recall the content of the conversation.

Increase your business’s credibility
Customers and clients ringing your business can make assumptions based on the call quality – HD Voice helps avoid poor quality phone calls.
Call quality is set to improve even further with the introduction of 5G in 2018, streaming voice 10 times faster than 4G.

Which phones support HD Voice?

Technology is always evolving, benefiting any business. HD Voice is readily available to companies with the latest on-premise devices and cloud-based phone systems.

You will need a HD Voice-compatible handset and network capable of handling the new increased bandwidth. Browse our wide range of handsets which could provide you with better quality calls such as LIP-9002, LIP-9030 and the LIP-9071.

If you want to find out more about HD Voice and how to improve your call quality, get in contact with our team today.