Cloud (VOIP) can benefit any working space, whether its improving customer service, boosting sales, assist…
Advancing your large business with a cloud-based solution
Posted on 16th December 2019 under Blog.
Running a business big or small will always come with its challenges, and one of the biggest challenges most businesses’ face is development.
It can be difficult to break bad habits, such as staying with the same technology or software in which you have been using for many years.
Sticking with current software or even devices which will naturally become slow and outdated means your entire business operation will also become slow and outdated – allowing your competitors to surpass you.
Smaller businesses adapting with the changing times will likely catch up to larger businesses which do-not evolve with the changing technology trends. So, make sure your business can grow by introducing new technology strategies into it.

How can a cloud-based (VoIP) solution help business evolution?
Cloud is the future of telecommunication, allowing businesses to advance their technologies and develop their workforce and customer service. Cloud-based solutions enable businesses to access features which boost sales and encourage potential leads that assist in business growth.
A lot of businesses are currently as of 2019 still on ISDN lines, and a lot of users may be unaware that this system will be getting switched off in the next few years making this system outdated and obsolete.
By switching to a cloud-based telephone system before the time of the ISDN switch off allows your business to be secure and minimise any business disruptions.
With a cloud-based (VoIP) system in place, you can continue to provide the highest standard of service, safe in the knowledge that you have implemented a sophisticated infrastructure that will grow and evolve with your business.
Cloud makes a happier workforce (really!!)
Hosted telephony can also relieve some of the pressure on your team, allowing them to focus on more important things. For a start, meetings no longer require extensive planning to get everyone in the same place, saving on time, travel expenses, and organisational costs via cloud online meeting software.
More importantly, the ability to collaborate flexibly means all participants can be involved without compromising their usual routine. No one will be exhausted from a long journey, or preoccupied because they are away from their family. This allows team members across multiple sites to coordinate more effectively, and build meaningful working relationships, strengthening your organisation as a whole.
VoIP technology enables traditional telephone services to operate over computer networks.
More than 45% of UK businesses have already migrated their communications to a VoIP platform – when will you make the change to VoIP?
If you would like to make this change to take your business to the next level in telecommunications – make sure you contact DataKom on 01656 33 44 55 or email – Upgrading from a traditional system to our KloudPBX solution which will allow you firm to consolidate their user-base across all sites.
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