4 Benefits of Remote Working

Posted on 5th November 2020 under Blog.

As 2020 slowly comes to an end we are experiencing a lot of businesses allowing their staff to work remotely such as in their own homes or other locations. Doing this comes with a handful of benefits for both the staff and businesses, below is a list of four benefits from working remotely.

4 Benefits of Remote Working

Less travel time

With people working from their own homes there are less and fewer people travelling on the roads. So, if you drive to work at peak times there is a good chance there will be a reduced amount of vehicles, meaning less traffic, reducing your travel time.

Additionally, if you are working from home it means you have zero travel time!


Video calling

Working from home doesn’t have to stop your day to day office requirements such as team meetings. With technology such as online video conferencing and video telephony like our iPECS lip 9071 video conferencing – which makes business communication stress free. All you need is an internet connection and you are ready to go forward making FREE video calls.


VoIP telephony

VoIP telephony is the ideal solution to take any business to the next level of remote working.

Integrating a VoIP solution into all staff members’ homes who are working remotely will allow them to freely communicate within the company as well as to customers just as if they were in the office.


‘What is VoIP? VoIP is a type of network telephony which allows users to make and transmit telephone calls over the Internet. VoIP converts ordinary telephone audio into a digital format that can be transmitted over the Internet and generates incoming digital telephone signals from the Internet into standard telephone audio.’


Saves money

Working from home will save you and your business money in the long run. By staying at home you will reduce your average spending on a usual day to day costs such as fuel, wear and tear on your vehicle or transport to and from work.

To conclude remote working allows workers and businesses to reduce their spending whilst retaining a high level of work flow, professionalism and communication throughout the business.


To find out more about how a VoIP telephone system with video conferencing can boost staff performance contact us on 01656 334455 or email our sales department – sales@datakom.co.uk.