Why is call tracking important?

Posted on 7th June 2019 under Blog.

How much revenue did you lose today? You don’t know, but we can help. Averagely 85% of customers calls are missed and they don’t receive a call back. This means you’re potentially losing out on a huge amount of potential customers and sales. By integrating an essential business tool that can decrease that percentage, allowing you to increase overall profits by simply tracking missed calls and returning them when appropriate. 

How to solve this problem

iCall Suite gives managers complete visibility of call traffic and call costs for single or multiple sites, with the ability to charge costs to different individuals, departments or clients. Primary call statistics can be displayed on a wallboard or PC monitor.

Integrating this system will boost your businesses performance which will increase its turnover and improve its customer service.

All the information is detailed and displayed in an easy format to help navigate through and track the appropriate information such as who’s calls have been returned and who need to be called back.

Benefits and features of call reporting

  • Monitor all call statistics
  • Quick access via any device
  • Call analytics
  • Accessible from any browser
  • Export and email
  • Mobile-optimised

To book a free demonstration contact us today on 01656 334455 or email the sales team at sales@datakom.co.uk